YOU ARE AT:5G5G and IoT will shape telecom discussion in 2016

5G and IoT will shape telecom discussion in 2016

On this episode of HetNet Happenings, RCR Wireless News Managing Editor Sean Kinney takes you inside Mobile World Congress 2016 to dissect the big themes of “5G” and the “Internet of Things.”

Clips feature conversations with Ericsson CEO Hans Vestburg, AT&T Mobility President Glenn Lurie, AT&T SVP of wireless architecture Rick Keathley and Senza Fili Consulting president Monica Paolini. Kinney also discusses news from Mobile World Congress with RCR Wireless News Editor-in-Chief Dan Meyer.

AT&T Mobility CEO Glenn Lurie told Ericsson CEO Hans Vestberg the really exciting thing, to him, about 5G technology “is what it does for [the Internet of Things].”

Lurie made the comment at the recent Mobile World Congress show, where he told Vestberg during an Ericsson-hosted event that AT&T set up a dedicated IoT team in 2008, and has had great success with its connected car solution, which added 1 million vehicle connections over the past year, pushing its total base to 7 million vehicle connections.

“We view this as really a great opportunity,” Lurie said. “Everything in our lives is going to be connected. The future of our business is connecting everything.”

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Sean Kinney, Editor in Chief
Sean Kinney, Editor in Chief
Sean focuses on multiple subject areas including 5G, Open RAN, hybrid cloud, edge computing, and Industry 4.0. He also hosts Arden Media's podcast Will 5G Change the World? Prior to his work at RCR, Sean studied journalism and literature at the University of Mississippi then spent six years based in Key West, Florida, working as a reporter for the Miami Herald Media Company. He currently lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas.