YOU ARE AT:WirelessDomino's hits 1M online orders in a week, 13% mobile

Domino’s hits 1M online orders in a week, 13% mobile

dominos screenieIn a sign that the Web and mobile e-commerce are now meaningfully affecting even the most mundane parts of our lives, Domino’s Pizza said Dec. 8 that it received more than 1 million orders placed online in a week for the first time last week. In October, the company announced it had sold £1 million (about $1.5 million) in orders in a single day, 13% of which were placed via mobile devices.

Consumers say that the company’s mobile applications are well executed, including for the creation of custom pizza orders. If that user experience can be positive enough to drive more orders, with less labor time required for people taking phone calls about pizza orders, then mobile and web ordering sound like a win in both directions.

RCR Wireless reviewed the then-new Domino’s Android app for the U.K. and Republic of Ireland in June and said it was a big disappointment. It sounds like things have improved.

Those mobile orders are only able to be made of course if connectivity is consistently available and performs well. Ordering a pizza by mobile app while away from home is super convenient if it works but undoubtedly frustrating if it doesn’t. And as goes pizza, so go many other things.