3-5 Power ’94, by BIS Strategic Decisions. The Westin Hotel, Santa Clara, Calif. For information call (800) 874-9980.
4-5 Wholesale PCS: Less Capital for Small Business and Small Business PCS Association Annual Meeting, by the Small Business PCS Association. Hyatt Arlington, Arlington, Va. For information call Bob Kyle at (415) 851-1615.
4-6 CES Mexico ’94, by the Electronic Industries Association. World Trade Center, Mexico City. For information call (202) 457-8700.
10-11 SMR/ESMR Management Conference, by the American Mobile Telecommunications Association. Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City. For information call Lynne Mallonee at (202) 331-7773.
11-12 CDPD Developer’s Conference, by CDPD Forum Inc. Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, Calif. For information call (800) 275-0070.
18-19 Wireless Interconnection ’94, by Bellcore. Key Bridge Marriott Hotel, Arlington, Va. For information call (800) 521-CORE.
19-21 Fall International Wireless Communications Expo, by Argus Trade Shows. Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Fla. For information call (800) 828-0420.
31-1 Wireless Business Telephone Systems Seminar, by Alexander Resources Co. Stouffer’s Valley Forge Hotel, Valley Forge, Pa. For information call Carole Kaufman at (800) 948-8225.
3-5 ITA ’94 Annual Meeting, by the Industrial Telecommunications Association (formerly SIRSA) and the Council of Independent Communication Suppliers. Kingsmill Resort, Williamsburg, Va. For information call Barbara Levermann at (703) 528-5115.
10-12 CelluComm ’94, by Zsigo Wireless Data Consultants Inc. The Aladdin Hotel, Las Vegas. For information call (800) 594-5102.
10-13 1994 Communications Marketing Conference, by the Communications Marketing Association. Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, Md. For information call Bernie Brownson at (303) 371-8182.
18 Radio Club of America 85th Anniversary and Awards Dinner, by the Radio Club of America Inc. New York Athletic Club, New York City. For information call (201) 652-6811.
6-8 Wireless DataComm ’94 Fall Expo and Conference, by Communications Events Inc. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C. For information call (800) 322-WDEC, or (203) 847-5131 in Connecticut.