21-22 Cyberspace and the American Dream II, by The Progress & Freedom Foundation. Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Aspen, Colo. For information call Katherine Epler at (202) 484-2312.
22 The Telecom Act of 1995: What it Means to Wall Street and Main Street, by Kagan Seminars. The Park Lane Hotel, New York. For information call Kristen Roelofs at (408) 624-1536.
23-24 Investing in Asia Pacific Media & Telecoms, by Kagan World Media Ltd. The Park Lane Hotel, New York. For information call Kristen Roelofs at (408) 624-1536.
29-30 Wireless Interconnection ’95, by Bellcore and Harry E. Young. St. Louis Pavilion Marriott, St. Louis. For information call (800) 521-CORE.
12-13 Marketing in the Age of Convergence, by TeleStrategies. Sheraton Crystal City Hotel, Washington, D.C. For information call (703) 734-7050.
20-21 Wireless Telecom Values & Finance, by Kagan Seminars. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York. For information call Kristen Roelofs at (408) 624-1536.
20-23 PCS ’95, by the Personal Communications Industry Association. Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Fla. For information call (800) 680-7242.
21-23 CelluComm ’95 Cellular Data Conference, by Zsigo Wireless Data Consultants. Adams Mark Hotel, St. Louis. For information call (517) 337-3995.
3-11 Telecom 95, by International Telecommunication Union. Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland. For information call Tom Dahl-Hansen at +41 22 730 5298.
8-11 1995 Wireless Workshop, by Rogers Corp., Merix Corp., Poly Circuits and Taconic Advanced Dielectric Division. Tucson, Ariz. For information call (602) 961-1382.
10-12 CES Mexico ’95, by the Consumer Electronics Group of the Electronic Industries Association. Palacio de los Deportes, Mexico City. For information call (703) 907-7600.
10-12 Wireless Fraud: The Global Perspective, by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association’s Fraud Task Force. Orlando, Fla. For information call Kathy Anderson at (202) 785-0081.
11-13 CDPD Forum 1995 Conference and Expo, by CDPD Forum Inc. San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco. For information call (800) 335-CDPD or (312) 644-6610.