Well, here it is only a couple weeks from the holidays and folks are getting frazzled.

Imagine kicking out the First Lady’s luncheon pal, gossip columnist Cindy Adams, for making a cellular phone call last Wednesday at the venerable University Club in Manhattan. There was justification, mind you. It was, the club official told Adams, “not acceptable behavior.”

Rules, schmooles. Hillary, who would have none of it, stood up, and declared: “Let’s go.”

The First Lady was in the Big Apple at the Fifth Avenue club, a progressive sort of joint that began accepting woman 10 years ago, to speak to a $1,000-a-plate luncheon of the Women’s Leadership Forum of the Democratic National Committee.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Clinton’s chief of staff, Melanne Verveer, wife of wireless attorney extraordinaire Phil Verveer, testified before a grand jury investigating Whitewater.

…U S West didn’t like it one little bit after reading that the affable Dale Hatfield would retain ties to a new consulting firm after joining the FCC’s Office of Plans and Policy as chief technologist.

The story was wrong, yet prompted Hatfield, a household name in the wireless industry for years, to recuse himself from a major telco proceeding that he happens to know a lot about. That’s the problem.

…BellSouth Corp. has to be irked, too. The Justice Department last week recommended against its long-distance entry in Louisiana. This won’t make Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.), head honcho of the House telecom subcommittee, happy either.

…PCIA has released an RF antenna siting compliance guide. “Priority Actions for Timely Compliance: Safety Measures for Building-Based Antenna Sites” can be found at www.pcia.com. Attorney Alan Ciamporcero was appointed as senior VP and chief of staff for government relations at PCIA.

…The Pentagon is investigating whether late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown died from a gun shot rather than from multiple injuries in the plane crash that he and 34 others didn’t walk away from in April 1996.

…Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), citing the government’s refusal to let University of Illinois Professor Daniel Bernstein export an encrypted e-mail program he developed-called Snuffle-said encryption reform is needed.

…NTIA is sponsoring an all-day wireless local loop seminar at the Nat’l Press Club. Call Patrice Washington at (202) 482-7002.

…Mr. Digital Wiretap, Jim Kallstrom, will leave the FBI at the end of the month.