CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa-Inet Inc. announced that Frontier Advanced Service Technologies selected the Inet GeoProbe system to monitor and troubleshoot its Signaling System 7 network from a centralized operations center.
The GeoProbe system supports a variety of surveillance and performance monitoring applications by non-intrusively capturing and processing data from the SS7 network, Inet said.
Frontier Advanced Service Technologies, formerly LinkUSA, is a subsidiary of Frontier Corp. The company specializes in providing wholesale enhanced call processing services to the telecom industry and offers wholesale customers travel cards, prepaid calling cards, operator services and enhanced 800-number services.
“With GeoProbe, we will have a critical edge to ensure our advanced services are performing at an optimal level,” said Jeremiah Carr, president of operations for Frontier.
Inet, based in Plano, Texas, is an international supplier of wireless and wireline telecommunications equipment and is recognized for pioneering SS7 Operations Support Systems.