To the Editor,

I just finished reading your Jan. 12 issue and read the article “The frustration of finding a job” with great interest.

I have been part of the wireless world for more years than I care to remember and, it frustrates me to see what is happening today. I also am looking for a position in wireless communications and get a lot of “Thank you for your interest-we will keep your resume on file” and very few phone calls for interviews. This in spite of the fact that I have the reputation of being a very strong leader in this magic world and have strong references to back up this statement.

Mind you, I do not possess a degree in engineering and I am over 50 which, as far as the HR world of the companies looking for “good people” leaves me out of the running. No, they prefer a degree and a minimum of one-year experience in the communications industry. Most of you know fully well, that one year in this industry doesn’t make you experienced but, for the HR’s, the ultimate word is degree. Who do they think brought the wireless world where it is at today? I don’t remember meeting too many people with degrees while I worked in the field but, I sure remember an awful lot of dedicated, knowledgeable “maniacs” of electronics that dreamed of magical ways of communicating with people.

I developed strong teams that built some of the best paging networks in Canada and were proud of them. Very few people ever left my employ and most of my staff always professed that they would do anything for me. Today, technicians and engineers alike, work mostly for the pay and move from company to company on a monthly basis and for the most part live a life of misery.

Don’t take me wrong, I have nothing against education and I firmly believe that engineering is the backbone of the wireless world but, they also need strong leadership which, seems to be lacking all over the world today. This leads me to say that due to the lack of experience and leadership, the last decade has produced more disasters than successes and I dare anyone to prove me wrong.

Roland Germain

St-Laurent, Quebec, Canada