The White House Under Siege! The Presidency in Crisis! Zippergate! So scream the airwaves of official Washington.

Ah, heck, Vern, it’s only Groundhog Day.

Today is just like yesterday and the day before. And the day before that. And tomorrow will be no different than the day before it.

Haven’t we seen all this before: Clinton sex scandals, Saddam, Baby Bell-long distance mud wrestling and controversy ad nauseum over C-block PCS debt restructuring, interconnection, universal service, wireless resale, CALEA, antenna siting moratoria, China trade, cell phones and cancer, and the Portals.

So, I ask, what’s changed in the last six years? Well, some things. The Broncos won a Super Bowl. And we’re talking budget surplus instead of budget deficit now. The FCC is no longer considered Comedy Central.

Still, it’s Groundhog Day.

It’s interesting, you know. Being the Comeback Kid means always having to come back from something, usually from self-inflicted wounds. Such is the life of a brilliant political counterpuncher, a restless Southern soul who can’t leave well enough alone. Is it immortality The Big He seeks?

Were not a balanced budget, superpowerdom and decisive victory over the GOP-led Congress enough? The history books were open, awaiting Mr. Clinton.

Shoot, with Hillary running interference for Bill and Carville cheerleading from the sidelines, there’s darn near nothin’ the Comeback Kid can’t overcome. What with Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Ken Starr and Barney all part of a right wing conspiracy to sabotage the Clinton presidency, you didn’t expect the Clintonistas to roll over and play dead, did you? Why of course not.

And so, with the media hysteria subsiding, Bill and Al take their show on the road to test State of the Union themes on the outside-the-Beltway crowd last week. Remember, America votes Dow Jones, not Paula Jones.

The president’s approval ratings are up again, the band is playing and all seems swell again in Gomorrah.

All I’ve got to say is, “Don’t drive mad, Bill! Don’t drive mad!”

… Scott Blake Harris, former FCC International Bureau chief, and several telecom wonks at the D.C., law offices of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher are leaving and setting up their own shop. The new shingle will read Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis.

… Darlene Mahle has been hired as TIA’s manager of resources and Monique Aime has been promoted to manager of member services.