NEW YORK-NightFire Software Inc., Berkeley, Calif., debuted NetServ Express, which it said is “the first packaged software solution to automate the telecommunications service supply chain and simplify the order management process between retailers and wholesalers of telecommunications services.”
NightFire also completed its first round of venture capital funding, garnering some $5.5 million from U.S. Venture Partners, whose other early-stage investments include Sun Microsystems Inc., and Sequoia Capital, whose early-stage investments include Cisco Systems and Yahoo!
Jason Green of U.S. Venture Partners and Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital will take seats on the NightFire board of directors.
“The market for telecom order management and supply chain software is exploding as carriers rapidly scale their businesses and recognize the costs, complexity and delays of developing these solutions in-house,” Green said.
The company also said it raised an unspecified amount of additional capital from at least four individual investors, all with high-technology industry-related experience.
“The funding will help ensure timely delivery of NetServe Express, the first order-management solution to connect seamlessly competitive carriers with multiple incumbent operations support systems,” NightFire said.
Automating the manual supply chain between wholesalers and retailers of telecommunications services “is imperative for growth in the communications industry,” Moritz said.