Global Mobility Systems Inc., a provider of software for enhanced services, has created a professional services group to help mobile phone operators with their business and marketing needs.
The company, led by former AT&T Wireless Services Inc. executive Michael Buhrmann, already offers a client-server platform designed to let wireless carriers segment their customer base by offering low-cost specialized services such as number translation services. Now the company plans to offer expertise along with the product.
“We have been working on how to increase profitability of carriers during cut-throat competition,” said Buhrmann. “There is a different way of approaching the business now, which lends itself to more segmenting of the market and organizing a business around that.”
“Many new PCS and incumbent cellular carriers have been focused on building out their networks,” said Jay Maguire, vice president of the company’s professional services group. “These carriers are learning that they need people who have experience in these areas, whether it involves regulatory issues, investments, partner management, business strategy development, technology and operational alignment, marketing or networking-these are issues that drive profitability.”
Global Mobility’s professional services group plans to focus on a few key areas. The MOEmentum Program will address business and marketing strategy for carriers. The Digital PCS Services and Wireless Business Venture Services will focus on network buildout, service launches, business planning and funding, while the Local Number Portability and Local Competition Advisory Services group will help carriers implement marketing strategies and LNP solutions.