M/A-COM, a division of AMP Inc., announced a new family of DC-2 GHz GaAs Field Effect Transistor Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit digital attenuators with integral Application Specific Integrated Circuit drivers. The attenuators in this family are multichip modules containing GaAs FET MMIC Radio Frequency chips and Silicon Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor ASIC driver chips. All the devices have integral drivers that accept either Transistor Logic or CMOS compatible control signals. (978) 442-4047.
Philips Semiconductors introduced its first standard catalog dual-band Code Division Multiple Access down-converter integrated circuits for handset manufacturers. The company’s SA9500 and SA9502 integrate all the front-end receive mixers necessary for use in dual-band, triple-mode CDMA/Advanced Mobile Phone Service cellular phone handsets, helping designers capitalize on the market trend for multimode digital cellular handsets. (800) 447-1500 ext. 1655.
VLSI Technology, Inc. announced that its CDMA+ 13 QCELP Vocoder is the first to be successfully tested using the Modified-Methodology Interim Standard 736 Minimum Performance Standard. Comsat Laboratories conducted the tests. The 13 QCELP vocoder was specifically developed for Code Division Multiple Access use to provide a wireline level of quality, according to the company. (408) 434-3000.
Glenayre Technologies
Glenayre Technologies Inc. introduced new lines of its GL-T8000 series of paging transmitters designed for the European market. The GL-T8311E and GL-T8411E cover the full VHF paging band of 138 MHz to 175 MHz and support POCSAG, ERMES, FLEX and ReFLEX 25, the company said. (704) 553-0038.
Motorola Inc., announced a new phone and pager for the holiday season. Motorola’s Satellite Series 9500 portable telephone and 9501 pager are built specifically for the Iridium system, which combines the reach of more than 60 low-earth-orbit satellites with land-based systems. When used together, if the phone is turned off, notification of an incoming call will be routed directly to the pager. (202) 530-4550.
SOS Wireless
SOS Wireless Communications announced its new SOS Phone 200 yielded high praise from the American Council for the Blind after the ACB conducted a one-month test. Designed initially for senior citizen and young teens, the SOS Phone 200 has a series of physical and service features which also aligns well with the needs of the 750,000 totally blind U.S. adults, according to the company. (800) 259-8327.
Wireless Systems
A new amplifier-the Wideband Linear Power Amplifier-can eliminate bottlenecks and transform base station performance in Global System for Mobile communications networks, said its manufacturer, Wireless Systems International Ltd. The WLPA amplifier addresses the problem of multicarrier intermodulation distortion and achieves -75dBc, said the company. In addition, the product contains fiber optic radio distribution and steerable antennas that can direct the base station’s energy where demand is the greatest. 44 117 906-6200.