Arch Communications Inc. and PageMart Wireless Inc. jointly announced a five-year agreement under which the companies will provide narrowband personal communications services advanced messaging, including assured message delivery and two-way messaging. The agreement involves two phases. In phase one, Arch expects to market nationwide NPCS by this summer on PageMart’s Internet protocol-based advanced messaging networks. During phase two, given the demand for advanced messaging increases, Arch plans to construct its own NPCS network.
Glenayre Technologies Inc.’s Wireless Access Group announced its AccessMate alphanumeric text advanced messaging device offers the ability to reply to text messages with preprogrammed responses over the ReFLEX 25 network. AccessMate users already can receive e-mail and pager-oriented messages on their device, and now they have the option of replying with up to 16 preprogrammed messages such as “On my way,” “Yes,” and “Thank you.” The preprogrammed responses can be customized to any message up to 20 characters in length, said Glenayre.
MobileQuest and Zsigo Wireless Developer Services announced they have partnered to create a national distribution system for software developers of wireless applications. The companies will assist developers in making their wireless products and applications market-ready, and then provide established distribution channels for sale to end users.
Brightpoint Inc. announced it entered into service agreements with Brazilian operators BCP S.A. and Telet S.A. Under its agreement with BCP, Brightpoint will distribute prepaid mobile phone cards in the Sao Paulo region. For Telet and its dealer-agent network, Brightpoint said it will provide logistics services, including inventory management, distribution and billing.