GENEVA-3Com Corp. unveiled its third-generation technology strategy last week that calls for the company to develop wireless networking technologies that will give people and businesses total network availability and secure access to voice, video, data and e-business applications, regardless of their physical location.
“Wireless access is a growth enabler for e-business across all markets,” Eric Benhamou, 3Com’s chief executive officer, said at Telecom 99. “3Com is the first company to take a holistic approach to wireless networking, pulling together these disparate technologies into a wireless experience for businesses and individuals. Wireless connectivity is an essential step in realizing 3Com’s vision of pervasive networking.”
3Com announced plans for enabling Code Division Multiple Access wireless service providers to migrate to 3G networks. The migration plans include developing a suite of industry-standard, open-interface network products for 3G CDMA wireless data network infrastructure. The 3G strategy will be rolled out in two phases and paves the way for wireless voice services over Internet Protocol networks.