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Paging firms launch collective ad campaign

ALEXANDRIA, Va.-Eight leading paging companies, in an effort managed by the Personal Communications Industry Association, launched the industry sector’s first collaborative advertising campaign with TV and radio spots beginning to air in Fresno, Calif., and Jacksonville, Fla.

Designed to communicate the advantages of paging technology, the “Get the Message” campaign is targeted to both business and consumer markets, PCIA said. The two 30-second TV and two 60-second radio commercials feature users communicating via computers to pagers.

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Participating in the campaign are AirTouch Paging, Arch Communications Group Inc., Metrocall Inc., Motorola Inc., Paging Network Inc., SkyTel Communications Inc., TSR Wireless and WebLink Wireless (formerly PageMart Wireless Inc.).

National rollout is planned for early next year.

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