WASHINGTON-The Land Mobile Communications Council has asked the Federal Communications Commission to adopt a rule that LMCC says should significantly reduce the number of faulty coordination complaints the FCC receives.
“The coordination trigger proposed here represents a sensible rule of the road which advantages no one industry or coordinator as against others, but benefits all,” said the LMCC. LMCC is an umbrella organization of land-mobile user associations that works by consensus.
The new rule would require a coordinator trying to assign usage of spectrum historically reserved for manufacturers, forest products companies, utilities, and automobile emergency licensees among others to contact the preferred coordinator for that usage. That coordinator would either give consent or explain why using that spectrum is unworkable.
If the preferred coordinator expresses concerns, it is hoped that engineering solutions can be developed that are workable for both sides. If not, the original coordinator can file an application with the FCC asking the FCC to mediate the dispute.
Petitions for reconsideration that were filed last year prompted the move. LMCC voted to ask for the new rule at its meeting last month.
Also at its meeting last month, LMCC elected a new president and members of the board.
Michele C. Farquhar, former chief of the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and now outside counsel for the American Automobile Association, was elected president, replacing Paul B. Najarian. Najarian is the senior telecommunications engineer for the Intelligent Transportation Society of America. He will continue as a member of the LMCC board as a director-at-large.
Leigh M. Chinitz, Ph.D., was re-elected as LMCC vice president. Chinitz is a manager of telecommunications strategy and spectrum for Motorola Inc. and represents the Telecommunications Industry Association on the LMCC board. Mark E. Crosby was re-elected as secretary/treasurer. Crosby is president and chief executive officer of the Industrial Telecommunications Association.
Thomas J. Keller and Larry A. Miller joined the LMCC board as directors-at-large. Keller is outside counsel to the Association of American Railroads. Miller is with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.