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HDR gathers speed with trials, signs on Samsung

Qualcomm Inc. garnered more support for its High Data Rate solution, announcing Samsung Electronics Ltd.’s support for the technology and technical trials with Japanese operator Nippon Idou Tsushin Corp. (IDO)

HDR technology is a likely solution for many Code Division Multiple Access operators migrating to 1XRTT technology. It offers peak data rates of 2.4 megabits per second in a standard 1.25 MHz channel bandwidth.

Samsung said it will support the development and deployment of HDR technology for high-speed wireless Internet access globally. 1X technology is a third-generation evolution path for cdmaOne operators that doubles voice capacity and offers data speeds of about 144 kilobits per second.

IDO, in cooperation with Hitachi Ltd. and Qualcomm, will field trial HDR technology this year in Japan. Following a successful trial, Hitachi intends to develop and manufacture HDR infrastructure for the global market, said Qualcomm.

“The successful completion of this trial will mark an important step in our effort to expand our service offering through new Internet-related applications, including multimedia and electronic commerce,” said Akira Nishiumi, director and general manager with IDO. “With a more efficient use of spectrum, HDR will ensure IDO continues to broaden its customer base.”

Lucent Technologies Inc. announced its support for HDR technology earlier this year, while Motorola Inc. and Nokia introduced their own megabit solution called 1xtreme. Nortel Networks has not made any public overtures to one technology over another. However, it appears that many cdmaOne operators are leaning toward adopting HDR technology since it is the furthest along in development. Qualcomm’s demonstrations of the technology have produced transmission speeds of up to 1.8 megabits.