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Televigation, U.S. Wireless partner

SUNNYVALE, Calif.-Televigation and U.S. Wireless Corp. have partnered to provide navigation assistance for both WAP-enabled and regular mobile phone users.

Under terms of the agreement, U.S. Wireless will provide Televigation’s Snap-to-Map system with information from its RadioCamera platform to enable real-time navigation capabilities. The companies also said they plan to collaborate with carriers and others on product development, testing and marketing of products and services using the U.S. Wireless network.

“Televigation demonstrated in trials that it can provide real-time navigation to wireless phones without requiring a new generation of handsets,” said Sammy Nassar, vice president of business development for Televigation. The trial was conducted within the U.S. Wireless RadioCamera network in Oakland, Calif.

Snap-to-Map uses algorithms and various programs to refine the positioning of a phone’s location by combining input such as digital maps, geo-coding and speed, Televigation said.