Now that most wireless carriers offer the same basic services, they are counting on enhanced services to attract new customers and set them apart from the crowd.
In support of this quest for individuality, eVoice Inc. introduced its voice application service provider model, which will enable customers to receive their home voice mail on their wireless phone.
Based in Menlo Park, Calif., eVoice offers wireline voice mail service. When someone leaves a message, eVoice will automatically alert the user via e-mail, pager, and now, mobile phone, eliminating the need for separate message boxes on separate devices. Users can check their voice mail from anywhere using a toll-free number, or by accessing their in-box over the Internet. The service is free, although until now, subscribers had to listen to a 15-second ad or look at a banner ad on their e-mail in-box screen before retrieving their messages.
Using the Voice ASP model, wireless carriers will have the option to use advertising or have their customers pay for the service. Rob Romero, vice president of marketing and director of product development for eVoice, said he suspects most carriers will not opt for advertising but instead will charge customers roughly the amount they pay now for wireline voice mail-$7 to $16 per month.
“We would recommend that they don’t have ads because no one has this capability yet,” said Romero.
Among other things, Romero said eVoice’s new service is a better way for carriers to increase minutes of use per customer, as well as decrease churn. When wireless users sign up for the service, they have to use minutes of their mobile-phone time to retrieve and listen to their messages.
Several carriers are in discussions with eVoice to include the service as part of their enhanced services platforms, according to Romero. He expects the Voice ASP model to be available in the next three months, although it might take a bit longer for carriers to achieve full implementation.
“The hard part is the carriers have to come up with marketing collateral, describe it to their customers and update their Web sites,” Romero said.
The company also is working on a new technology that will allow eVoice to answer a mobile phone, much like its service answers wireline phones today.