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CTIA names partners for Wireless I.T.

WASHINGTON-The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association unveiled its official partners and event sponsors for its Wireless I.T. 2000 expo and convention.

CTIA also reported that pre-registration attendance is nearly triple last year’s show.

The partners include Andrew Seybold’s Outlook, sponsoring the Wireless Data University; A.M. Oppenheimer Inc., sponsor of the A.M. Oppenheimer Business Valuation & Sale of Business Seminar; CIO, sponsor of the event’s Pre-Show Planner Critical; Ricochet, Metricom Inc., sponsor and producer of the Ricochet Alliance Partner Conference; and Wireless Developer Network, sponsor of the Wireless Developers Seminar.

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CTIA noted that the show will have three times more exhibit space than last year to help accommodate an expected 70-percent increase in exhibitors, with an additional 50 exhibitors wait-listed for space on the showroom floor.

Keynote speakers scheduled for the event include America Online Wireless President Dennis Patrick on day one; Dr. Eric Brewer, co-founder and chief scientist for Inktomi, for day two; and Paul Gross, senior vice president of personal services and devices at Microsoft, on the third day of the show.