NEW YORK-Basic research for wireless Internet development received a multi-million-dollar stimulus as one of three parts to the new California Institutes for Science and Innovation, announced Dec. 7.
The San Diego and Irvine campuses of the University of California will spearhead the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology.
The Los Angeles campus of the University of California will head the new California Nanosystems Institute, which will research development of miniaturized technologies.
The San Francisco, Irvine and Santa Barbara campuses will collaborate in the new California Institute for Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Quantitative Biomedicine.
Over a four-year period, California will provide $300 million in state funds to these three efforts, with the private sector expected to provide a collective match of more than double this amount. Ericsson Inc., for example, said it would contribute $12 million for research that emphasizes “CDMA evolution and the fourth generation of mobile technology.”