WASHINGTON-As the potential ramifications of the passage of New York’s mobile-phone law reverberated through the wireless industry last week, a representative of the Personal Communications Industry Association met with a state legislator from Utah and plans to meet with other state legislators to urge them to include language in their bills that would exempt business communications that use two-way handheld radios from the restrictions.
The language is based on verbiage designed by the Federal Communications Commission in the enhanced 911 context. This language includes enhanced SMRs, such as Nextel Communications Inc.’s service, but exempts private business communications.
It is a little unclear how necessary PCIA’s initiative is at the state level. A review of press accounts in the wake of the New York legislation seemed to indicate that most state and local mobile-phone distracted-driving rules already include at least an implied exemption for business communications.
But it must be explicit to ensure that those involved in business communications are not cited for breaking the law, said PCIA’s outside counsel, Alan Tilles.
In May, the Industrial Telecommunications Association sent a letter to the sponsors of federal legislation, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) requesting a similar exemption be made explicit in their proposed bills at the federal level.