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VoiceStream launches nationwide GPRS service

BELLEVUE, Washington, United States—VoiceStream Wireless officially unveiled its General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)-enabled iStream wireless data network nationwide.

VoiceStream said the service, which has been advertised on the carrier’s Web site for some time, can be added to current calling plans beginning at US$3 per month with the Motorola T193 handset available for US$50 after rebates through January.

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High data use customers can also connect a US$170 Motorola P280 Internet-compatible handset to a laptop computer or personal digital assistant (PDA) running Windows CE 3.0, allowing wireless access to the Internet. High use data plans are available for US$20 and US$40 per month, allowing customers access to approximately 90 to 180 Web pages respectively or approximately 850 to 1,700 e-mails.