WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission finally has a full compliment of members.
The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed by voice vote Jonathan Adelstein, telecommunications adviser to Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.), to serve in the vacancy left open by the resignation of Gloria Tristani in September 2001.
Tristani resigned to run against Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.). She lost.
Because of his South Dakota roots, Adelstein is seen by many as an advocate for rural America. For example, Walter McCormick, president and chief executive officer of the United States Telecom Association, said, “His appreciation for the challenges facing rural communities makes him a strong advocate for rural America on the commission.”
Adelstein’s nomination-announced in February-was wrapped up in an ongoing squabble about nominations.
Ironically, because of all of the political wrangling, Adelstein will only serve seven months unless he is re-appointed by President Bush.