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Adelstein: CTIA should take LNP issues to FCC before going to court

WASHINGTON-The Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association would be better served by going to the Federal Communications Commission with its complaints rather than to court, said FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein reacting to CTIA’s filing of a document urging the agency to rule on nine issues it says are necessary for effective wireless local number portability.

“I think it is preferable that they come to the agency directly rather than going to court,” said Adelstein on Tuesday in a press briefing dominated by the contentious media-ownership issue.

Wireless LNP allows a customer to keep his or her telephone number when switching carriers. It is generally available in the wired world.

CTIA announced its intention to file the petition for declaratory ruling on Monday and threatened that it would seek legal remedies if the FCC does not rule on its contents before Labor Day.

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The agency is awaiting word from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on its appeal of the Nov. 24 wireless LNP deadline, but many observers of the April oral argument do not believe the D.C. Circuit will let the industry out of the requirement.

State regulators believe the nine issues CTIA raises are a red herring. “This is their Hail Mary Pass,” said James Bradford Ramsay, general counsel of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.

The issues-all of which CTIA says are old-are as follows:

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