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NTIA’s Gallagher to be named Evans advisor

WASHINGTON-The Commerce Department later today will announce that Michael Gallagher, deputy head of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and a key government go-between on contentious spectrum issues pitting the wireless industry against the Department of Defense, will become an adviser to Commerce Secretary Donald Evans.

Commerce Department spokeswoman Lisa Camooso said Gallagher will be deputy chief of staff for policy and counselor to Evans.

The reassignment of Gallagher, combined with the resignation earlier this month of Pentagon spectrum czar Steven Price and the reorganization of the DoD unit overseeing spectrum, could disrupt key spectrum management issues involving third-generation mobile-phone, ultra-wideband and Wi-Fi technology deployment in the United States.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz ordered the shakeup-designed to bolster Pentagon intelligence-in a May 8 memorandum.

Defense officials today threw cold water on rampant speculation within the Pentagon that other top Pentagon officials with spectrum-related duties may also be ready to resign as have other Bush administration political appointees in recent days. However, DoD officials acknowledged the possibility that Price might not be replaced. Price, a former cellular industry executive, was well regarded by the wireless industry.

Assistant Secretary of Defense John Stenbit, who lost intelligence oversight in the reshuffling that now has him responsible for networks and information integration, is meeting next week with key Pentagon officials who manage military spectrum to discuss how to move forward.

Jack Zinman, a special adviser to NTIA chief Nancy Victory, is said to be a leading candidate to replace Gallagher.

Gallagher’s surprise move raises questions about Victory’s future at NTIA. Victory and Gallagher have strained relations that have only worsened in recent months, according to industry and government sources. Victory is the target of an ethics probe by the Commerce Department’s inspector general.

The Bush administration has proposed a Commerce Department reorganization that would fold NTIA into the Technology Administration. While lawmakers initially expressed skepticism about the plan, TA spokeswoman Connie Correll said the initiative is gaining acceptance on Capitol Hill. Correll said the Bush administration likely will send proposed legislation to Congress in the next week or so.

Industry and administration sources said the Commerce reorganization plan would eliminate many senior NTIA positions, a prospect Correll vigorously denied.