MOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J.-Interest in one-stop shopping for communications services continues to decline, with less than half the population still interested, according to new research from Solomon-Wolff Associates.
The survey found that 46.1 percent of respondents were interested in getting local and long-distance phone service, wireless phone service, cable/satellite TV and ISP service from the same provider if the price was comparable, down from the 64.9 percent of consumers who were interested three years ago.
“We had expected those with high incomes or those who are high spenders on various communications services to be most interested,” said Joey Wolff of Solomon-Wolff. “And we found some correlation with those variables. What was more surprising were the other variables that showed relationships. Certain ethnic groups, those with ‘high-tech’ orientation, and specific age groups showed strong correlation with interest in one-stop shopping.”
Solomon-Wolff also found that consumers who are interested in one-stop shopping are more likely to be dissatisfied with their current service providers, indicating they expect better customer service as well as convenience from bundled services.
The results were based on answers from 6,400 participants in Solomon-Wolff’s recent semi-annual personal communications survey, conducted through the company’s Web site.