OVERLAND PARK, Kan.-Sprint PCS launched an aggressive advertising campaign focused on the business market and targeting AT&T Wireless Services Inc., which Sprint PCS said is perceived by business customers as the leading wireless provider.
In the initial print campaign, which ran today in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and New York Times and on the carrier’s Web site, Sprint PCS claims its wireless network provides nearly twice the data throughput for laptop computers, a 33-percent larger coverage area and 40 million more covered potential customers compared with AT&T Wireless’ GSM/GPRS network.
Sprint PCS specifically claims that its cdma2000 1x-based wireless data network provides average data speeds of between 50 and 70 kilobits per second compared with AT&T Wireless’ GPRS-based network’s 20 to 40 kbps data throughput speed.
Sprint PCS said the campaign will include television advertisements later this month and is part of a long-term strategy designed to provide an overarching messaging umbrella for all of its future business-to-business marketing initiatives.