WASHINGTON-The Bush administration today sent Congress legislation to reorganize the Commerce Department by merging the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the Technology Administration.
“This administration understands that our global marketplace has changed and that telecom and technology operate together, not separately. We need to adjust our thinking and adjust our structure to keep pace with the world, our economy and innovation,” said Commerce Secretary Evans.
Prospects for passage of the legislation are unclear.
Some key lawmakers have expressed concern about spectrum policy being diminished under the proposed arrangement. The White House proposal would fold NTIA, which advises the president on telecom policy and manages federal government spectrum, into the Technology Administration.
Earlier in the day, the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee said he does not see support within the committee for the Department of Commerce reorganization that would transfer the NTIA under the purview of the Technology Administration.
“We have looked at that proposal, but I don’t think there is support for that here,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
McCain also doubted the importance of the proposal. “To be honest with you, to me it is not really the most important issue of the day,” he said.
The Senate Commerce Committee is unlikely to have a hearing on the reorganization proposal this year, said McCain. “I don’t see a hearing happening between now and when we go out of session, but if the secretary of commerce calls up and says this is a critical issue, and he would like to testify on it, we would be glad to accommodate him,” said McCain.
The lack of support of the Senate Commerce Committee could prove to be a critical roadblock to the reorganization proposal, which must be approved by Congress.
In lieu of the reorganization proposal, the Senate Commerce Committee Thursday sent to the Senate a bill that would reauthorize the Technology Administration in its current form.