YOU ARE AT:Archived ArticlesSenate Commerce Committee finalizes E911 bill

Senate Commerce Committee finalizes E911 bill

WASHINGTON-The Senate Commerce Committee Thursday sent to the Senate a bill that aims to ensure that money collected for 911 services will be used for that purpose.

The Clinton-Burns E911 bill passed on a voice vote without controversy. But Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, warned there are some issues that still must be resolved before the bill is taken up by the full Senate.

McCain later told reporters there are concerns about whether the Federal Communications Commission has enough staff and resources to take on the additional oversight contained in the bill. These oversight functions include reviewing reports filed every six months by states to certify they are not raiding the E911 funds for other purposes.

The bill would create a grant program for states to deploy wireless enhanced 911. The grants would be withheld from states that use money from 911 taxes collected from wireless customers to solve budget problems.