The school bell has rung. The still of summer is about to be shaken. Thank goodness.
The wireless industry has held its collective breath waiting for a business uptick for months (years) now, and several prospects for just that are finally waiting just over the next hill.
The fall months will bring dueling infrastructure conferences, a new CTIA leader, E911 deadlines and the implementation of wireless local number portability. It will also hail more competition in the push-to-talk space, the prospect of consolidation (finally?) and the ever-important holiday sales season with a slew of nifty devices awaiting gadget-loving consumers.
Taken on their own or in combination, any of these events could cause a desperately needed financial infusion for the wireless industry.
On the other hand, each could bring a spate of troubles.
Are there any betters out there?
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The majority of studies we have seen recently are optimistic-cautiously optimistic, mind you, but optimistic nonetheless.
The only proven slam-dunk in the wireless industry remains wireless voice service. Maybe it’s time for the wireless industry to capitalize on that strength.
The best seat in the wireless theatre is still held by the consumer, and over the long term, that will keep life tough for the industry. I am all for consumer rights and a consumer code, better billing and honest advertising. I like to have choices and who doesn’t love a bargain?
But operating a wireless service is expensive. To be profitable, there has to be more money coming in than going out. Because of prolonged and intense industry competition, the consumer has become spoiled. Phones are free, and service is cheap. Too cheap.
If wireless is a necessary and valuable service, it should be sold as such. It is time to start shifting consumer views about the value of their wireless phones and inch up those prices.
People don’t stop buying toothpaste when the price increases. Maybe someday it will be the same with wireless.