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VeriFone releases CDMA POS product

SANTA CLARA, Calif.-Electronic payment company VeriFone Inc. released a new CDMA point-of-sale payment product, which the company said the State of Wisconsin will use to operate wireless payment terminals for Fondy Farmers’ Market.

“Open air and other traditional markets are no longer off limits to those benefiting from card-based EBT,” said Bob Cook, vice president of VeriFone’s government and health care markets. “By using robust CDMA-based wireless technology, the State of Wisconsin is delivering fast, secure and reliable EBT transactions to its beneficiaries.”

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The company’s payment solution includes its VeriFone Omni 3600 portable wireless terminal, CDMA 2000 1x wireless technology using TCP/IP over a data-packet network, and eFunds-developed POS software and transaction processing.