WASHINGTON-California Public Utilities Commissioner member Geoffrey Brown today said he and Commissioner Carl Wood are close to an agreement on a bill of rights for telecom consumers, and he opposes an alternative plan that would exclude mobile-phone carriers.
“We’re getting there . I think we are on the same page,” said Brown, who represents a key vote on the California PUC. “No, I’m not in favor of Kennedy’s idea of excluding wireless,” said Brown.
Last week, Commissioner Susan Kennedy said she will offer a new bill of rights that does not apply to cellular operators. The mobile-phone industry, which predicts the Wood plan will raise consumers’ wireless bills and hurt the California economy, applauded Kennedy’s measure. However, with support likely to come only from CPUC President Michael Peevey, the Kennedy plan looks to be in trouble even before its official release.
“I have no doubt we have the votes,” said Brown. He said regulators could vote on the bill of rights late next month.