Cambridge Silicon Radio said its BlueCore Bluetooth silicon is being used by Saab to supply Bluetooth wireless technology in the automotive manufacturer’s 9-3 models. CSR noted that the Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan with Bluetooth option has been available since early this year, but the company recently selected CSR as its Bluetooth silicon supplier.
The Saab Bluetooth option includes an embedded GSM phone, which does not have a traditional handset but is used with a Bluetooth headset and integrates with the 9-3’s multimedia infotainment systems through a media-oriented system transport databus that uses fiber-optic links within the vehicle to facilitate connections to a range of devices. CSR added the system also includes wireless dial-up networking that is possible by connecting the embedded Bluetooth phone to a Bluetooth personal digital assistant or laptop computer, allowing passengers to access the Internet or e-mail.
“CSR continues to work with automotive manufacturers to find better ways to implement communications systems which adhere to regulations such as the ban on the use of handheld mobile phones,” said Anthony Murray, Bluetooth automotive specialist at CSR.
CSR also announced that its BlueCore3 silicon incorporates all of the new features included in the Bluetooth Specification Version 1.2 that was adopted by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group last month. The enhancements over the previous 1.1 specification include support for extended synchronous connection orientation that allows for retransmission of corrupted voice data, adaptive frequency hopping and what the Bluetooth SIG terms Fast Connect, designed to reduce the connection time between Bluetooth devices.