WASHINGTON-The Department of Defense adopted a new policy for military use of all wireless devices, emphasizing security in all future commercial purchases.
The DoD directive-signed April 14 by Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz-could create new buying opportunities for the wireless industry. The new wireless guidelines apply to mobile phones, infrastructure, Wi-Fi gear and personal digital assistants.
The assistant secretary of defense for networks and information-the Pentagon’s chief information officer-will have oversight of defense wireless activities, according to the defense directive. The only problem is that post remains vacant. President Bush’s nomination of Francis Harvey to succeed John Stenbit, who stepped down as defense CIO last month, is hung up in the Senate.
Harvey, if confirmed, would manage the DoD’s implementation of an administration plan to have the mobile-phone industry finance the relocation of military radio systems forced off the 1700 MHz band in order to free up spectrum for third-generation wireless systems.