DALLAS-U.S. mobile-phone penetration is expected to grow from 61 percent last year to more than 75 percent by 2010, according to a new report by The Diffusion Group.
The report, “U.S. Mobile Markets: Analysis & Forecasts,” forecasts more than 236 million U.S. consumers will subscribe to some form of mobile telephone service by 2010. The growth will be driven by continued expansion of 2.5-generation and 3G networks in metropolitan areas and new demand for improved access technologies that enable push e-mail and other services across converged networks.
“Although net subscriber growth will continue to slow dramatically over the next five years, the promise of improved mobile access technologies and the new services they enable are cause for optimism,” said Ed Wallace, consulting analyst with TDG. “New networks mean new services, and new services entail new sources of incremental revenue and a generally more `sticky’ service offering, especially when bundled with wireline services.”
The study also predicts 119 million handsets will be sold this year generating $17 billion in revenues, the average sale price of handsets will remain at about $145, and the youth market will provide the greatest opportunity for growth with the number of young subscribers doubling by 2010.