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SBC adds 3,300 hot spots with roaming agreements

SBC Communications Inc. reported Wi-Fi roaming agreements with Airpath Wireless and Boingo Wireless that will add 3,300 nationwide and international hot-spot locations to SBC’s FreedomLink service and open the company’s network to Boingo’s Platform Services partners. SBC said the roaming deals will provide revenues whenever Airpath and Boingo customers roam onto its Wi-Fi network.

“The ability to access thousands of hot spots across the globe will enable our customers to experience higher levels of productivity,” said Scott Helbing, senior vice president of consumer marketing for SBC.

SBC has previously announced roaming agreements with GoRemote, iPass and Syniverse Technologies and plans to shortly activate roaming agreements with Concourse Communications and Wise Technologies. SBC also recently announced its first international roaming agreement with Telmex in Mexico.

SBC said it expects to make available more than 20,000 Wi-Fi hot-spot locations to its customers by the end of next year and will work with wireless subsidiary Cingular Wireless L.L.C. to integrate the Wi-Fi network with Cingular’s wide-area wireless data network.

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