WASHINGTON-The Maryland House of Delegates passed a teen driver legislative package that would prohibit use of cell phones except for 911 emergency calls by individuals under age 18 who have learner’s permits or provisional licenses.
The teen cell-phone driver restriction passed by a 128-7 vote yesterday. Other bills in the package also were approved by large margins.
“With this overwhelming vote, the House took a giant step closer to making 2005 the year of the teen driver,” said Del. William Bronrott (D), chief sponsor of the legislation. “The recent rise in teens fatally injured in crashes on Maryland’s roads was a tragic wake-up call to the fact that highway crashes are the number one cause of death and disabling injury of teens who account for only 7 percent of motorists but 14 percent of fatalities. Teen driver inexperience, inattention, impairment and a false sense of invincibility are major contributing factors to these crashes.”
Other states are considering similar legislation.