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Bush correct to dump execs from delegation

To the Editor,

I’ve always enjoyed Jeffrey Silva’s articles. I read with interest his story, “Execs booted from telecom delegation puzzles industry,” in the May 2 issue.

I suspect if some of the RCR Wireless News editorial staff was “aiding and abetting” a competing journal, their bosses at RCR would boot them, and no one left at RCR would be puzzled.

I will assume that those who serve on the telecom delegation are asked to serve at the pleasure of the President.

With that in mind, I have no problem with our President asking them to sit down when their actions no longer please him.

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A component of great leadership is loyalty … loyalty expected by the leader, and given by the leader. Bush does that on a consistent basis. And that very attribute ticks off all those who would like to mold a world full of compromise and relativism.

Great leaders always know two things: what they stand for, and what they won’t stand for. I, for one, think it’s nice to have the absolute antithesis of Bill Clinton in the White House.

Robert G. Lightsey

President Cellfone Inc. Laurel, Miss.