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3 U.K. offers free movie trailer video

LONDON-3, a U.K. video mobile operator, announced an agreement with Flytxt for a mobile marketing campaign that will allow 3’s customers to view a free trailer for the new British film “It’s all Gone Pete Tong.”

The movie is set to be released May 26. The 30-second clip will be available free to the first 100,000 customers who download it.

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The trailer will be available via the company’s ‘Today on 3’ service. Users also will be able to read about the film, its plot and its stars, said the company.

“This is a very exciting development; advertisers now have a new and targeted visual medium with which to reach consumers,” said Gareth Jones, chief operating officer of 3. “As the U.K.’s largest video mobile operator, we know what our customers enjoy watching over 3G. We also know the profile of our customers. This means that adverts or paid-for content can be tailored and relevant, so the consumer wins too.”