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Motorola takes aim at RIM with Q: iTunes phone still on hold

CHICAGO-Motorola Inc. released a new high-end Microsoft Windows mobile device targeted squarely at the BlackBerry and Treo enterprise market at the outset of its analyst conference here, but there was no sign of its long-awaited iTunes phone.

Motorola demonstrated a range of new products at the opening of the conference, but reserved center stage for its new Q smart-phone device. The device, featuring the slim styling of the company’s popular Razr phone, includes a tiny, Qwerty keyboard, Bluetooth, a 1.3-megapixel camera and Microsoft Inc.’s Windows Mobile 5.0 operating system.

It is scheduled to be available in the first quarter of next year.

Information and pictures of the device previously have been posted on various Web sites, but Motorola used its analyst conference to formerly announce the gadget. The device will run up against Research In Motion Ltd.’s BlackBerry device and Palm Inc.’s Treo smart phone in the enterprise market. The Treo runs the Palm OS, and the BlackBerry runs RIM’s Java-based OS.

Although Motorola executives trumpeted the Q, Chief Executive Ed Zander acknowledged the continued absence of the company’s forthcoming iTunes device. “It’s real, and it’s happening,” Zander said of the device.

Motorola, along with Apple and unnamed wireless carriers, announced the device likely will be available sometime in the next two months. Zander said the device warranted its own event.

Motorola announced a partnership last year with Apple to make an iTunes phone.

Motorola also announced a slew of news related to its other businesses. Among the announcements:

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