ARLINGTON, Va.-The Telecommunications Industry Association said it will create a committee to establish technological standards for terrestrial broadcasts and wireless multimedia services.
The committee will be charged with developing and maintaining standards for terrestrial mobile multimedia multicast interfaces as well as components, systems, networks and protocols. It is expected to focus on issues regarding radio interfaces, testing methods, performance and reliability standards, as well as equipment design guides, the trade association said.
Eric Schimmel, a retired TIA vice president, will act as interim head of the committee, dubbed Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast (TM3). Leadership candidates are being sought for the committee and subcommittees.
“At our recent TIA board meeting, the board was briefed on this new standardization initiative and supported our efforts to help bring ‘triple play’-data, voice and video-to users,” said Dan Bart, TIA’s senior vice president of standards and special projects. “Multimedia and video are key drivers of broadband, and TM3 will help expand the coverage for broadband communications in support of President Bush’s goal of ensuring universal, affordable access to broadband technology for all Americans by 2007.”