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Kerry bill to study backup communications for first responders

WASHINGTON-Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) introduced legislation late Thursday aimed at creating a backup communications system for first responders.

The Communications Security Act of 2005 would require the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Communications Commission to study the feasibility of a secondary communications system that could be used if the first system fails or is inadequate. The study would be technology neutral and evaluate the costs and how it should be paid for. DHS is to report to Congress.

“Our first responders make the greatest commitment to our country by protecting us in times of disaster, and it is unacceptable that four years after Sept. 11, we are still putting them on the frontlines without reliable communications equipment. The tragedies of 9/11 and Katrina have taught us many important lessons, and we need to start learning from these lessons-not wait until the next emergency,” said Kerry.

Some of the spectrum reclaimed as part of the transition to digital TV could be used for the backup system, according to a press release about the bill.