PLAINFIELD, Ind.—Brightpoint Inc. will supply Motorola Inc.’s handsets and accessories to some of its customers in the United States, Brightpoint announced. The agreement between...
PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y.—Wireless operators are doing well at retaining customers, and only 7 percent of cellular customers say they plan to switch providers when...
SARASOTA, Fla.—XG Technology L.L.C. said its first consumer product, a Voice over Internet Protocol handset, will be available by the end of this year...
WASHINGTON—Network Neutrality has emerged as a key sticking point in the debate regarding a scaled-backed communications draft bill released by the House Commerce Committee...
SAN DIEGO—Qualcomm Inc. announced it filed a patent infringement suit against chipmaker Broadcom Corp., the third in a running dispute over what Qualcomm alleges...
SEATTLE–Hearst Magazines is going both on- and off-deck to offer ringtones, images, daily horoscopes and editorial content from Cosmopolitan, Seventeen and CosmoGirl to wireless...
OYSTER BAY, N.Y.—Operators struggling with decreasing profits from basic services may want to look to mobile music, according to two new studies. The worldwide...
WASHINGTON—The House Commerce Committee released a draft of its communications bill, a somewhat limited piece of legislation that focuses on franchising efforts, but does...
BRUSSELS, Belgium—European Union telecom regulators today announced plans to force wireless operators to lower their international roaming rates within EU countries, with the goal...
TORONTO—Current and former directors, officers and employees of Nortel Networks Ltd. are forbidden by the Ontario Securities Commission to trade shares of the company’s...
MENLO PARK, Calif.—LimeLife Inc. snared $10 million in Series B financing, the women’s mobile content publisher said. U.S. Venture Partners led the round; other...
BOULDER, Colo.—The Mobile Marketing Association has created a committee to address the operational and technical guidelines surrounding wireless video. The committee, which is open...
BELLEVUE, Wash.—The Bluetooth Special Interest Group picked the WiMedia Alliance multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing version of ultra-wideband for integration with Bluetooth technology, thus...
NEW YORK—Mobile virtual network operator Cool Mobile has run into trouble, with Motorola Inc. ending its relationship with the MVNO less than two weeks...
BOGOTA, Colombia—A national survey of Colombian wireless users finds Nokia Corp. dominating the Latin American country’s mobile handset market, which despite its modest size—at...
BURNABY, Canada-Fortuna Gaming Corp., a Canadian-based company focused on online and mobile gambling, sees mobile gambling as a big part of its future and...
SANTA CLARA, Calif.-Lucent Technologies Inc. outbid L.M. Ericsson in the auction of Ethernet developer Riverstone Networks Inc.'s business. Riverstone said Lucent's final bid was...
WESTBOROUGH, Mass.-Eager to expand its portfolio, tower owner and operator Optasite Inc. completed a $125 million round of debt and equity financing.The company also...
Editor's Note: The companies listed below represent the four first-tier wireless operators that control enough spectrum for a nationwide footprint. They are ranked by...
You can thank Socrates-the illustrious Athenian of the fifth century B.C.-for establishing the power of asking leading and potentially unpopular questions, without feeling the...
BOSTON-Everypoint, a mobile sports application firm, attracted $10 million in a second round of venture-capital funding, the company reported. Venrock Associates led the round,...
REDMOND, Wash.-Microsoft Corp. is expected to overhaul its ActiveSync Windows Mobile device management offering, when the software giant rolls out the next version of...
BOULDER, Colo.-The Mobile Marketing Association revised its "consumer best practices," updating the guidelines to include chat services, interactive television, and viral and affiliate marketing....
NEW YORK-Price Communications Corp.'s board of directors has decided to pursue liquidating the company, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission....
WASHINGTON-Telematics providers have come out against FCC Chairman Kevin Martin's numbers-based approach to financing the universal-service fund . Those providers noted that because telematics...