CAMBRIDGE, U.K.—Handset makers are expected to be shipping 1.5 billion devices worldwide in 2011, according to a new report by consulting company Analysys.
The report posits that handsets will evolve to fall into one of three categories: voice-centric, converged-function and specialist devices, driven by segmented customer demands.
“In emerging markets, voice-centric handsets will still constitute the largest single product category in the market; while in developed countries, converged-function and specialist handsets will take the lead in 2011,” said Dr. Yanli Suo-Saunders of Analysys, author of the report.
The report predicted that voice-centric handsets will make up more than half of shipments to emerging markets in 2011, and that manufacturers of such handsets should focus on cost, design, usability and functionality in order to appeal to consumers in those markets. Converged-function handsets, meanwhile, will become mainstream in developed countries—but those markets will be led in volume by specialist handsets, which the company described as “offering a best-in-class experience” to particular consumer segments.