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Senate OKs emergency alert legislation

WASHINGTON—The Senate approved legislation allowing mobile phone carriers to participate in a modernized emergency alert system, vastly improving chances for final passage of the measure in the waning weeks of Congress.

The legislation is championed by Sen. Jim DeMint (S.C.), who earlier this week urged Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin not to impose mandatory EAS regulations on wireless carrier. DeMint also got the FCC chief to agree not to vote on new EAS rules until Congress completes work on the Warning, Alert and Response Network Act. The legislation, which calls for the development of recommendations on technical and operational capabilities of the national alert system over the next 12 to 18 months, could force the FCC to shelve indefinitely any further action on new EAS guidelines.

The WARN Act is attached to a port-security bill, which the Senate passed 98-0 yesterday. A companion House bill sponsored by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) is still in committee.

The WARN Act would create a National Alert Office in the Department of Homeland Security, which received lead jurisdiction over public alerts and warnings through a June 26 executive order by President Bush.