Yearly Archives: 2007

AT&T begins Cingular store rebranding in Houston

AT&T Inc. is retooling the look and feel of its wireless retail stores to reflect a multi-faceted product offering, and introduced its first super-sized,...


Hedge*hog*ing v. Interrupting conversations in an office environment by poking your head over the top of the cube.One of the most interesting statements on...

3G phones cited for improved call quality

Wireless customers are experiencing fewer call problems than in the past several years, according to the most recent survey of mobile call quality by...


Safari SMSKenya's largest cellular operator, Safaricom, launched a money transfer service that allows its customers to transfer money using short message service technology. According...

Get on your comfy walking shoes, it’s show time: CTIA in Orlando: match made in spring heaven, more than 400,000 square feet of...

March in Florida typically conjures up images of half-naked college kids partying 24/7 on the beach, or for the more modest long lines and...

LBS continues slow road to fruition

It's only March, but 2007 appears to be shaping up as the year of location-based mobile services. No, really, it might be true this...

Confusion reigns over future of online, mobile video

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.-Online video is here in a big way. If it wasn't validated by Google Inc.'s $1.6 billion purchase of YouTube last October, it...

Battle for eyeballs shaping television’s future

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.-Hollywood is battling for consumers' eyeballs on more fronts than ever before. As people spend more time on their cellphones and computers, television...

Senate approves public-safety, E-911 bills

The Senate last week approved legislation to improve public-safety communications interoperability and location-based wireless 911, two vital homeland security components that remain weak links...

Silicon Valley group pushes for white space access : Provides compliant Wi-Fi device in attempt to sway FCC to make spectrum unlicensed

High-tech and electronic giants last week gave the Federal Communications Commission a Wi-Fi device to test that they said can operate in vacant television...

SEC goes after former Nortel execs

The hits just keep coming for Nortel Networks Ltd., this time from the Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC last week filed civil fraud...


Cellular SouthCellular South announced it promoted four of its vice presidents to senior vice president positions. Suzy Hays was promoted to senior vice president...

OnStar may bleed subscribers: Cellular providers drop analog for digital; Lexus and Mercedes are also at risk

General Motors must dump 10 percent of its OnStar subscribers-about 500,000 users-because OnStar must cut off service to vehicles equipped with outdated analog telematics...

Qualcomm upbeat on prospects, despite legal ‘overhang’

Qualcomm Inc. remains positive about its business prospects this quarter, even as it girds for an unprecedented procession of litigation. The chip maker is...

DE lawsuit targets 700 MHz auction

A small-business lawsuit to overturn the results of the $13.7 billion advanced wireless services auction is back on track, with the 3rd U.S. Circuit...

National Geographic broadens reach with international MVNO

As an American who grew up in Italy, Sebastian Harrison always had two phones: one for use in Italy, and one for the United...

Digicel expands reach, technology to support continued growth

Caribbean carrier Digicel has been snapping up properties and is introducing dual-technology roaming for its customers as it expands its network reach and potential...

Revol trialing ad-supported mobile service: View an ad, get a discount coupon

Regional, flat-rate carrier Revol has started testing an advertising-supported wireless service that allows users to get a discount on their bills if they agree...

Barney says

The Massachusetts Democrat who chairs the House Financial Services Committee is as liberal as liberal gets. But if the wireless industry and other business...

Hype machine junkyard

As the hype machine clicks into high gear for the CTIA Wireless 2007 show, I thought it might be nice to review some of...

InfoSpace shareholder laments company troubles, proposes new board members

Challenges continue for InfoSpace Inc. with news that a major shareholder is looking to nominate three independent candidates for election to the company's board...

AT&T settles CPUC claims, agrees to pay $30M

AT&T Inc., which controls the nation's largest mobile-phone carrier Cingular, agreed pay more than $30 million and withdraw a U.S. Supreme Court challenge to...

EU regulators set roaming rates

European Union telecom regulators have settled on a price they would like to see for roaming rates that EU operators can charge customers, although...

Shentel settles with Sprint Nextel, scores Nextel stores

Shenandoah Telecommunications Co. announced it has settled its legal battle with Sprint Nextel Corp. The affiliate said it reached new agreements with the national...

EYE OF THE STORM: QUALCOMM: Patent-infringement claims, cross-licensing negotiations, legal fights make for full plate

CDMA pioneer Qualcomm Inc. sat atop a busy week-with many more likely to come-as the company made moves in its legal battle with Broadcom...
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