Yearly Archives: 2007

Music on the move: Artists looking at mobile to reach fans

Performing artists are increasingly looking to mobile to prop up flagging recorded music revenues. And record labels are increasingly being left out of the...

Brands excited about off-deck opportunities: Challenges for adult-content remain

LOS ANGELES-Brands that haven't found their way into the carriers' circle of friends are emboldened by the uptake in mobile Internet usage and the...

Online liability concerns prompt wireless industry to act: CTIA, carriers throw support behind MySpace in sexual-assault case

While the increasing convergence of communications and entertainment on wireless Internet platforms is creating new business opportunities for value-chain stakeholders, it also is raising...

Sprint Nextel stands behind WiMAX plans

Sprint Nextel Corp. remains committed to its WiMAX plans and continues to move forward with its soft launch of services in Chicago, Baltimore and...

Taking it to the m-bank: Qualcomm lays out $210M for Firethorn

THE MOBILE BANKING SPACE saw several shifts last week, as Qualcomm Inc. announced that it will acquire mobile banking company Firethorn Holdings L.L.C. for...

FCC relaxes requirements for public-safety spectrum

THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION relaxed the small-business bidding rule for the 700 MHz national commercial/public-safety block, but the agency cannot seem to shake lingering...

Monday, Nov. 19, 2007

Sprint Nextel, Clearwire split divides analysts: Opinions vary on carrier’s direction, fallout on suppliers

TERMINATING A LETTER OF INTENT-as Sprint Nextel Corp. and Clearwire Corp. did Nov. 9-doesn't lend itself to gauging possible impacts to Sprint Nextel's ambitious,...

Brain whispers ‘iPhone,’ wallet says ‘free clamshell’ : Most-researched phones range from dream to reality

Two sources that track American consumers' online research into handsets paint a dual portrait of yearning and practicality this holiday season.While the data differs...

Lessons for mobile Web: KISS: (Keep it simple, stupid)

Publishers are trying to strike a delicate balance in these early days of the mobile Web: How do you offer enough eye candy to...

Qwest,Pocket expand calling plans: Regional carriers prepare for holiday season

While they may lack the name recognition of their larger competitors, regional carriers are tweaking their rate plans ahead of the holiday shopping season.Qwest...

Apple talks to Chinese operators: Euro-launch is modest, but Chinese say no rev-share here

The iPhone story went global this month with launches in the United Kingdom and Germany and word that Apple Inc. is exploring a partnership...

Emerging markets to drive mobile game use

Revenues from mobile games will grow to nearly $10 billion by 2009, driven by the increasing popularity of casual gaming and the larger variety...

Flash dominant in handheld devices

Flash memory will continue to dominate in mobile phones during the next few years, despite inroads being made by new hard disk drive (HDD)...

Hedgehogging: hedge*hog*ging v. Interrupting conversations in an office environment by poking your head over the top of the cube.

Following the failure of its U.S. mobile virtual network operator business, the Walt Disney Co. is now turning its attention to the east with...

The Rudy and Bernie Show

Time was, particularly in the not-too-distant aftermath of 9/11, when just about anything associated with New York City's then-mayor Rudy Giuliani and then-police commissioner...


We love pizza Finally, an application that Americans will embrace. The Associated Press reports that Louisville-based Papa John's International Inc. is offering a text-message...

Amdocs strengthens off-portal offering: Move attempts to bolster struggling segment

Amdocs Ltd. last week expanded its offering for off-deck content providers as it launched a new business unit designed deliver advertising, commerce and entertainment...

FCC to enforce 50% hearing-aid mandate beginning next year: iPhone gains controversial exemption

While mobile-phone carriers and manufacturers face a key hearing-aid compatibility deadline in early 2008, Apple's Inc. wildly popular iPhone will get a pass on...

Cities unwired: Muni Wi-Fi plans remain in limbo

Silicon Valley-the country's hub of innovation and technology-is home to more than 2.4 million people and a group of businesses that read like a...

Hope prevails despite history

Some of the world's biggest companies-Google, Apple, Microsoft-increasingly are becoming more aggressive in the wireless space. And why shouldn't they? CTIA counts 250 million...

MERGING MOBILE: Motricity looks to InfoSpace to complete mobile plans

Motricity Inc. sees more than just a mobile search engine in InfoSpace's mobile business. It sees a kind of wrecking ball.The Durham, N.C.-based mobile...


Every responsible municipality has money-specifically getting the best value for taxpayers' money-on its mind, but security is equally important.When it comes to communications networks,...

Push-to-talk services target Chinese businesses: Kodiak snares contract for industrial region

China Mobile Ltd. subsidiary Jiangsu Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. picked Texas-based Kodiak Networks to supply push-to-talk technology for deployment in the coastal Jiangsu Province.Kodiak...

Virgin Mobile USA stock down on economic worries

Investors sent Virgin Mobile USA Inc.'s stock plunging this morning despite decent quarterly numbers, based on worries about the impact of an increasing competitive...
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