
Was she a former Sprint Nextel customer?
A four-year-old Illinois girl called 911 almost 300 times on a deactivated cellphone last month. Dispatchers were able to hear the child talking and track the calls to an apartment complex, but not to the specific address. Authorities told the girl they would bring her McDonald’s if she would give them her address. When she finally provided her address, police were dispatched to the apartment and her mother took the phone away from the child.


Talk about a slow network
Snapping turtles in Massachusettes are helping researches test a new wireless communication network, according to the Associated Press. The turtles are being used to test a network of constantly moving devices that track information on the turtles’ location and body temperature. The system is designed to transmit the data from device to device when the turtles move close to one another. The information is then collected at a base station and forwarded via a cellular link to researchers studying the system. The TurtleNet system uses self-charging batteries. At the same time, biologists are using the network test to learn more about the snapping turtles, which they fear could be in danger due to shrinking habitats.


World Series of Poker
Glu Mobile Inc. launched the World Series of Poker Pro Challenge, a mobile game that coincided with the kickoff of the official World Series of Poker Main Event earlier this month. The game allows users to play against digital representations of well-known poker players like Johnny Chan, Chris Ferguson, Shannon Elizabeth, Scotty Nguyen, Annie Duke and Michael Mizrachi.


New wardrobes
Hundreds of New Yorkers dressed in bathrobes converged on a T-mobile store on Madison Avenue for a chance to get a free home hotspot kit, according to the Web site Gearlog. T-Mobile introduced its Hotspot@Home service late last month. The service allows customers to use Wi-Fi technology for their home communications needs and the company’s cellular network for their mobile needs. According to Gearlog, the first 100 bathrobe-clad people in line at the store received a Samsung T409 phone, a Linksys or D-Link router and one year of Hotspot@Home service.