Cell-cessful surgery
Cellphones played a lifesaving role during a surgery in Argentina recently. According to a Reuters report, a blackout in Policlinico, Argentina, interrupted an emergency appendix operation on 29-year-old Leonardo Molina, and backup generators failed. Molina’s family members collected cellphones from people in the hospital hallway and used the phones’ lights to illuminate the operating room. According to Molina’s brother, the lights were out in the operating room for an hour.
Liberating clips
China Unicom is providing war movie clips to its cellular subscribers. Reuters reports subscribers can download film clips of the Korean War and other wars with military anthems to celebrate the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. Subscribers can also receive military updates from the official army newspaper. The service is priced at about $1 a month.
Forever haunted by exclamation point!!!
An exclamation point cost a Minneapolis man $1,000 in a text-messaging contest during the North Dakota State Fair last month. Bethany Brevick won the fair’s inaugural text-messaging contest, edging out Kevin Taylor, who forgot to put an exclamation point at the end of the phrase the two were typing in a sudden-death final round. Brevick said she thought she had lost when Taylor completed typing the phrase and put his phone down. He quickly realized his error, but by then Brevick had correctly completed the phrase. The contestants were asked to type the phrase, “I hope I win the grand price of $1,000 so I can buy a new phone. Whoo!”