Yearly Archives: 2008

How to create email campaigns for mobile devices

In today's wireless world, your marketing messages have to be able to reach consumers no matter where they check their email. Here's how to...

Taxi! Sprint, Verifone Hook Up NYC Yellow Cabs

Ever had to wait 10 minutes for a credit card transaction in a cab to go through? Those days might be over for New...

Will China’s DTV standard eclipse its mobile TV spec?

CMMB may not be the only mobile TV standard in China for long, as Legend Silicon is rolling out more new digital TV chips...

Marketers Try Cell-Phone Video Campaigns

Programs like Meet or Delete and Engine Room, which are created for marketers and feature products interwoven into the plots, are becoming more popular...

Napster to go to Best Buy for $121M

Best Buy Co. Inc. moved more aggressively into the content-distribution arena, agreeing to pay $121 million to pick up the subscription-based online and mobile...

Share your memories

RCR Wireless News is planning to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first cellular phone call in its Oct. 13 edition. As such, we...

Class action targets text-message charges: Litigation follows Senate panel letter

A class-action antitrust lawsuit accuses AT&T Mobility, Verizon Wireless, Sprint Nextel Corp. and T-Mobile USA Inc. of acting together to hike the price of...

EA Mobile inks Eidos Deal

Electronic Arts Inc. announced a pact to bring "Tomb Raider Underworld" and other Eidos Interactive Ltd. titles to mobile.EA Mobile won wireless rights to...

Mind Meld

SAN FRANCISCO - The CTIA I.T. show always brings together the best of the enterprise market and the best of the entertainment space to...

T-Mobile USA rebrands SunCom markets: Final step in $2.4B acquisition now complete

T-Mobile USA Inc. officially took the reigns from SunCom Wireless Holdings Inc. The nation's No. 4 carrier launched its branded service in former SunCom...

UPDATED: Martin details revised rules for D-Block auction

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin unveiled a new plan to auction valuable airwaves to foster interoperable public-safety/commercial communications around the country. The proposal...

Reconnecting music with mobile

San Francisco - Full-track downloads are spinning their wheels and subscription services are falling on deaf ears. So Nokia Corp. and its music-industry partners...

Without Wi-Fi, mini-computers not as magical

NEW YORK (Reuters) - As personal computers go, the new rash of ultra-mini laptops are full of geeky goodness. Light, portable and powerful, they...

Analyst Angle: The Butterfly Effect of 802.11n

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the...

Pet enthusiasts have new mobile outlet

The mobile Internet has officially gone to the dogs.Nestle Purina PetCare Company with the help of go2 Media has launched two mobile Web sites...

Your Bank in Your Pocket

No Matter Where You Roam, New Mobile Services Make It Possible to Keep. . ..

Cellcom offers free mobile air time for watching ads

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Mobile phone operator Cellcom (CEL.TA: Quote , Profile , Research , Stock Buzz ) (CEL.N: Quote , Profile , Research...

AT&T, VZW, Alltel team for Taxi-calling service

Next time you are having trouble standing on a street trying to flag down a taxi, get out your mobile device and send #TAXI.Customers...

Mobile payment hurdles many, varied

SAN FRANCISCO -- There is no shortage of challenges in getting m-commerce off the ground in the United States. But maybe the most important...

Mobile gaming still alive: Hype around iPhone bolstering market

SAN FRANCISCO -- Barry Cottle is pimping his ride with eye-catching rims, fancy hood art and those cool hydraulic things that can bounce a...

Qualcomm’s low-power act: Mirasol display tech holds promise for hungry devices

SAN FRANCISCO -- A relatively new display technology that offers vast power savings, is viewable in direct sunlight and offers longer device use between...

Mobile industry needs to do more for enterprise

SAN FRANCISCO -- There are success stories in how wireless technology is helping the enterprise sector save money and improve employee productivity, but some...

Teens in search of the elusive mobile utopia

SAN FRANCISCO -- Wireless industry association CTIA and Harris Interactive think they have found the answer to one of history's most elusive mysteries: what...

Zed caps busy week with Lionsgate deal

Zed said it will work with Lionsgate to develop mobile entertainment projects based on the studio's films.The Spanish content titan will help create and...
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